Frequently asked questions
What are the temperatures like?
The highs fluctuate between 25 and 35oC throughout the year and the lows between 20 and 5oC.During summer: The months from August – April are warm (high 20oC’s) with temperatures reaching their upper limit for the area during October (around 35oC).
The rainy season: Victoria Falls is prone to short, spectacular thunderstorms (usually late in the afternoon) and our rainy season generally starts towards the end of November / December and continues until around mid- March, but this does vary from year to year. Temperatures are still warm.
An African winter: May – July and into August. Winter is typically cool at night and in the mornings although you can expect it to be lovely and warm during the day. In winter months it is advised that you do bring warm clothes especially for the mornings and evenings.